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The website is back, and optimizeder than ever!

It's time. Time to put on my immersive cyber-suit and reenter the cyber-world. The internet has asked for updates on my career, and I have answered its clarion call.

A lot has happened. Skipping over the events of the last few years that you already know about because they happened to everyone, it's been an eventful few years for me personally, too. I graduated with my Master's, and wasn't sure what to do next. I stayed in Boone, NC for a few years, substitute teaching and gigging with my band, Depot Street. We put out an album! The band was not able to reform after being separated by Covid-19, but I had my first real experience writing, recording, and producing an album. I was sad to see the end of Depot Street, but it was a sign that it was time for something new: preparing for a doctoral program.

I began preparing for auditions in January of 2021. I knew I had a little more than a year to prepare, but being a few years out of practice with concert percussion, I had to stay focused to get my chops back to where they needed to be to begin again. A little more than a year later, after having applied to 9 schools, auditioned at 8, been accepted at 4, and been offered assistantships as 2, I accepted an offer to begin at George Mason University.

My first year back in school was hard. It was really hard. I never thought I would have such a difficult transition. But I pushed on, and I finished my first year. Now it's Summer, and after a little bit of recuperating from such a stressful year, I need to begin searching for Summer work in earnest. Which brings me to the website. If I want to be found, I need to be findable. The site told me that making a new blog post would boost my SEO. If that's true, great! Glad you found me! If it's not true... well, then nobody's reading this, so I can say whatever I want. For instance, I could say I hate SEO. I could also just list words I think could boost my SEO. Things like crypto. Blockchain. Bored apes. Stonks. Pedro Pascal. Justice. Anyway, thanks for reading! Here's hoping this helps!


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