Depot Street
I'm in a band now. We're Depot Street. We have found our sound as the High Country Rhythm and Soul. It's my first band, and I am very excited. I joined back in November, and had my first show with them in December. I will admit to being nervous of course. There were times in the first few shows where I definitely felt like I was kind of faking it.
But now I've been playing with them for a few months, and I'm beginning to feel very comfortable with the other members' styles. I'm getting better at knowing what they're about to do, and vice versa. In the last few weeks, I've started bringing my own compositions. And just a couple weeks ago, I finally wrote lyrics for one of my originals! It may or may not sound like a big deal, but it feels like a significant milestone to me to present lyrics that I'm actually satisfied with, that don't embarrass me.
I'm not sure what the future of my time with the band is. I still don't know what I'll be doing once I graduate in May. I don't know where I'll be living. Now that I know I won't be going to school in Columbia, I would love to stay in or near Boone. I'm not sure what music ed jobs I'd find around here, but I would love to stay and keep jamming.
Anyway, I'm just excited to be a part of a band now, and especially exited to finally feel like an integral, contributing part of what we do. We have a show coming up, at which we'll be playing 2 or 3 of my originals. I don't know if I'm more proud and excited about that show than I am about, say, my upcoming Master's recital. I've definitely logged more hours preparing for my recital. But this will be the second time I get to perform music that I composed, and the first time I perform lyrics I wrote. Also one of my first performances as a vocalist.
I would love to thank our members, who are, from left to right: keyboardist, singer, and band leader, John Camacho; singer and violinist/fiddler (I include both because they are different), Emily Wills; bassist, singer, and lead dancer, Cassidy Nooner; drummer and owner of band dog (Rey), me; guitarist, singer, and veritable oozer of charisma, Lucas Triba.